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Oil Derivatives Supply
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Oil & Gas Supply
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Drilling Rig
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Work-Over Rig
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Truck Mounted Rig
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Natural Gas Compressor
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Work-Over Truck Mounted Rig
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Crude oil Pipelines
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Crude oil Pipelines
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Crude Oil Tank
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Crude Oil Tank
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Crude Oil Tank
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Truck Mounted Drilling Rig


Nour Petroleum Services is mainly depending on the expertise and knowledge of the Owners and Staff in addition to the experience of the designated and distinguished partners which executed specific technical and professional projects  

Nour Petroleum Services people play a major role in the organization’s success. We seek to create an atmosphere within the organization that will allow all employees to have an opportunity to learn, grow and feel a genuine sense of accomplishment.

Nour Petroleum Services is continually expanding. At present, the  positions available:

If you are interested in applying for this vacancy please fill in the form below:

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